Rock-N-Ham Catahoulas

Breed History of the Catahoula
Breed History of the Catahoula
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What do you get when you have a dog that can jump like a kangaroo, The power and drive of a machine , The bite of a bear trap. The beauty of fine art . the abbility to tango with a 300 pound hog long enuff or sometimes a few hours for a hunter to get their then go home and let a baby pull on its ears and baby sit in the right hands .the one the only catahoula


The Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog has a long history dating back around the time Europeans landed in North America. In 1541, Hernando DeSoto came to the area now known as Louisiana with his Spanish War Dogs consisting of Alano Mastiffs and Greyhounds. After being defeated by the locals, DeSoto's remaining soldiers abandoned their dogs to breed freely with each other and the Red Wolves domesticated by the Natives. The offspring became known as "Wolf Dogs" as recorded by Henri Tonti during the conquest of the Americas. These "Wolf Dogs" were utilized by the local tribes to assist in hunting the deer and boar found in the swamps of Louisiana (as well as other game animals). In the early 1700's the French came to the area and brought with them a breed then referred to as the "Bas Rouge" but more recently known as the "Beauceron". Admiring the Wolf Dogs for their intelligence and loyalty, the French interbred their animals with the local mixed breed and produced the ancestors of the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. On July 9, 1979 this breed was recognized by the government of the state of Louisiana and declared the state dog.

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